Past Events
Tue, 23 Jan 2024
Fireside chat with Sara Lawson KC, the SFO’s General Counsel
Members of the CFLA are invited to this event in order to have a roundtable discussion with Sara Lawson to discuss the trends Members are seeing in their fight against fraud including the use of AI and the blockchain to commit and/or fight fraud. Sara Lawson, formerly of Red Lion Chambers, is a barrister with extensive experience prosecuting government, criminal and regulatory cases. Some of the legal work Sara Lawson does at the SFO is civil law and she does…
Find out more »Tue, 27 Jun 2023
Disclosure in cross-jurisdictional fraud claims
Documentary evidence is at the heart of complex fraud cases, which often transcend national borders. Navigating disclosure in cross-jurisdictional fraud claims is invariably complex and challenging, with often significant differences between countries’ legal regimes. The panel will discuss these challenges in cross-border civil fraud disputes and also ask, from a comparative perspective – how much is too much or too little disclosure? Networking drinks to follow the panel session. Speakers: Chloe Morris and Jon Malik from Simmons & Simmons (England…
Find out more »Thu, 27 Apr 2023
GIR Live London Spring 2023
We are partnering with the GIR Live London Spring 2023, which is taking place on 27 April 2023 at Allen & Overy’s offices. The event will be chaired by Claire Lipworth of Hogan Lovells and Satnam Tunami of Kirkland & Ellis. Accordingly, GIR Live have offered a 10% discount to CFLA members. Further details can be found at GIR Live: London Spring, for those who are interested. When booking, please use reference CFLA10 and use this registration link.
Find out more »Wed, 16 Mar 2022
Talk by Paul McGrath QC: Convoy v Broad Idea: The Strait Jacket Comes Off
Paul McGrath QC examines the development of the freezing injunction from its controversial birth to its present position and asks whether and in what way the landmark Privy Council decision in Convoy v Broad Idea has released the freezing injunction from its Siskina-imposed strait jacket so as to facilitate further future development. Please can you click ACCEPT if you would like to attend. Please then add the details to your Calendar. **UPDATE** This talk is currently fully booked, please only…
Find out more »Thu, 25 Feb 2021
Directors and Officers Liability Insurance (D&O) – Key points to consider when dealing with fraud claims
Defending Directors and Officers in commercial fraud claims involves significant legal expense. D&O insurance can provide the comfort that such legal costs will be met by Insurers. But how accessible is the insurance cover, and what are the common issues which arise for lawyers and clients when dealing with D&O claims? David Breslin, Insurance Litigation Partner at Gunnercooke LLP, will discuss some of the important legal and practical questions which arise for fraud practitioners when accessing D&O insurance coverage. This…
Find out more »Tue, 15 Dec 2020
Search, Delivery Up and Imaging Orders in the Time of COVID 19
Jane Colston, Paul Lowenstein QC and Phil Beckett of Alvarez and Marsal and other members of the Supervising Solicitors team gave a Webinar - watch the event here Search, Delivery Up and Imaging Orders in the Time of COVID 19
Find out more »Wed, 22 Jul 2020
Liability for the Dishonesty of Others
Via a Zoom seminar, John Wardell QC of Wilberforce Chambers and Michael Ryan of 7 KBW will consider vicarious liability and primary liability of corporates through the rules of attribution. There has been a number of recent cases which explain the position, and John and Michael will be providing their insights. This will be very topical for all fraud practitioners and we look forward to you joining the meeting. It will last around one hour and there will be an…
Find out more »Wed, 15 Jan 2020
False statements made to investors in listed shares: where are we now?
Peter de Verneuil Smith QC of 3 Verulam Buildings will consider the latest developments on claims or intimated claims involving frauds on investors in publicly listed companies.
Find out more »Mon, 2 Dec 2019
When Banks Must Say No: the Quincecare duty in Singularis v Daiwa and JPMorgan v Nigeria
On 30th October 2019 the Supreme Court gave its judgment in Singularis Holdings v Daiwa Capital Markets UKSC 50, dismissing the appeal from the Court of Appeal where Daiwa had been ordered to pay damages for executing payment instructions given by a director of Singularis. The result now provides the highest authority for the Quincecare duty of care, and the difficulty for banks in attempting a defence based on a customer’s own illegal acts. Singularis comes hot on the heels of the Court of Appeal’s…
Find out more »Thu, 13 Jun 2019
“Breakfast Powwow” for Members
4 roundtables of CFLA members discussing & sharing know-how over breakfast on three topical fraud issues. Tables move after 15 mins. Free to members. First come, first served.
Find out more »Thu, 28 Mar 2019
Fraud actions post Brexit: how might they be managed?
Please join us for this highly topical presentation in which Anthony Trace QC will consider the impact of Brexit on the management of fraud actions.
Find out more »Wed, 30 Jan 2019
Contentious insolvency: the latest developments in fraud
In this session Robin and Marcus will provide an update on the most interesting recent developments in fraud litigation in the contentious insolvency field, including their perspective on the Algosaibi v Al Sanea Cayman Islands judgment (which is hotly awaited at the time of going to print). Speakers: Robin Ganguly of Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP and Marcus Haywood of South Square Chambers
Find out more »Thu, 13 Sep 2018
Privilege in International Investigations
The speakers will be Clarissa Coleman (Partner, Complex Commercial Litigation and Disputes) and Dylan Moses (Partner, Investigations, Enforcement and White Collar) at K&L Gates LLP
Find out more »Mon, 2 Jul 2018
Commercial Fraud Lawyers Association social event – curry evening
The Commercial Fraud Lawyers Association is delighted to invite members to the next social event - an informal curry evening at The Monsoon on Brick Lane on Monday 2 July at 8pm. The evening will be a great opportunity to meet and catch up with other commercial fraud practitioners in a relaxed setting. All members are welcome and tickets are £30.00, which includes a set menu of starter, main, rice, naan, and drinks (beer, wine and soft drinks). RSVP by…
Find out more »Wed, 6 Jun 2018
Freezing the assets of third parties: the continuing development of the Chabra jurisdiction
Speakers: Neil Hext QC and Dan Saoul of 4 New Square A review of the expansion of the High Court’s jurisdiction to grant freezing orders against third parties, be they accomplices, corporate alter egos, wives and husbands or innocent bystanders. The talk will cover the recent jurisprudence in this area in relation to injunctions in support of both litigation as well as arbitration, with an emphasis on raising awareness of the range of circumstances in which such injunctions might be obtained…
Find out more »Wed, 11 Apr 2018
Cross-border internal investigations
Speaker: Matthew Scully and Rob Houck, Partners at Clifford Chance LLP
Find out more »Wed, 24 Jan 2018
Technological advances and the ways litigation will change
The speaker will be Michael Booth QC of New Square Chambers.
Find out more »Thu, 14 Sep 2017
Search Orders – from 3 perspectives
A presentation from Jane Colston, a Partner at Brown Rudnick LLP; Phil Beckett, a Managing Director with Alvarez & Marsal’s Global Forensic and Dispute Services practice in London; and Dipti Hunter, Regulatory and Commercial Disputes Senior Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers. This presentation focuses on dealing with search orders and doorstep delivery up orders from the perspectives of claimants, defendants and supervising solicitors and the practical questions that arise before, during and after the execution of a search order from a digital…
Find out more »Wed, 14 Jun 2017
The F Word and Mediation
A presentation from Andrew Hildebrand, mediator, on how fraud, breach of duty and injunction claims can be mediated. Andrew shared his top tips for achieving a successful outcome on such thorny cases where issues to be resolved include insurance coverage and risk of criminal, regulatory or committal proceedings. Speaker Andrew Hildebrand
Find out more »Mon, 26 Sep 2016
When is Financial Market Trading Criminal?
A Seminar by Red Lion Chambers & TV Edwards LLP. Presentations by Antony Shaw QC (“Common Law offences and markets”); Allison Clare (“Internal Investigations – Subsequent Use During Criminal Proceedings”); Gillian Jones (“Practical Difficulties in Prosecuting and Defending in Trader Fraud Cases”); and Max Baines (“Differences in approach between the SFO & the FCA”). Speakers Antony Shaw QC (LIBOR 2 (Defence)) Allison Clare (R v Adoboli) Gillian Jones (LIBOR 2 (Prosecution)) Max Baines (R v Mustafa & Ors, the FCA’s…
Find out more »Commercial Fraud: Recent Developments in the Offshore World
A presentation by lawyers from Carey Olsen providing an update on recent developments in the offshore world on issues relevant to commercial fraud: Offshore freezing and disclosure orders; Recognition of foreign receivership appointments; Forum issues in offshore company disputes.
Find out more »Mon, 11 Jan 2016
A presentation on the emerging threat of cybercrime and the regulatory response to it. Speakers: Ben Johnson and Sam Millar of DLA Piper LLP.
Find out more »Mon, 21 Sep 2015
The privatisation of criminal law and its impact on civil fraud claims
A presentation on the following topics: What are private prosecutions and when are they best used? Can we privatise criminal litigation? Why are companies and high net worth individuals choosing not to reporting crimes to the police or the State prosecutor? How does a private criminal prosecution run in tandem with civil fraud proceedings? Speakers: Kate McMahon of Edmonds Marshall McMahon.
Find out more »Tue, 2 Jun 2015
Claims against banks in the context of fraud after Jeremy D Stone Consultants Ltd & Anr v. National Westminster Bank Plc & Or
Richard’s and Nicholas’ talk on claims against banks in the context of fraud will include discussion of the following case in which they were involved on opposing sides: Jeremy D Consultants Ltd & Anr v National Westminster Bank Plc & Ors EWHC 208 (Ch), a case involving the victims of a very substantial Ponzi scheme, claiming against the defendants in dishonest assistance, conspiracy, deceit and unjust enrichment. The case concluded in a 4-week trial. Speakers: Richard Mott of One Essex…
Find out more »Thu, 30 Apr 2015
Stone Rolls (the sequel)
Description: A re-examination of the ex turpi causa principle following the Supreme Court’s decision in Jetivia SA and Anor v Bilta (UK) Limited and Ors. Speaker: Christopher Parker QC Related Material: Video recording of event found below.
Find out more »Tue, 27 Jan 2015
Three Recent Developments in Fraud
Topics: changes to the Brussels Regulation (due to take effect in mid January); Norwich Pharmacal orders in support of overseas proceedings; and fortification of cross undertakings in damages. Speakers: Peter de Verneuil Smith, Jonathan David.
Find out more »Mon, 17 Nov 2014
Balloon Debate
Speakers: Charles Samek QC, Rebecca Stubbs QC and Edmund King.
Find out more »Mon, 15 Sep 2014
Supreme Court case of FHR European Ventures v Mankarious, relating to the remedy arising from the giving of bribes.
Speakers: Talk given by Matthew Collings and Richard Morgan, and moderated by Mona Vaswani and Robert Hunter.
Find out more »Tue, 20 May 2014
Recent Developments in the Law of Contempt
Current trends in use of contempt proceedings, covering the following topics: Penalties being imposed by the High Court, Is it worth it? The risks of using contempt proceeding Speakers: Paul Lowestein QC and Jane Colston, Brown Rudnick.
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